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Plesk upgrade v8.1 -> v8.2

Plesk je objavil zadnji popravek (novejšo verzijo in sicer v8.2) nadzorne plošče, ki jo uporabljamo za gostovanje spletnih strani. Nadgradnjo bomo izvedli 02. 08. 2007 popoldan. V tem času se lahko zgodi, da določene spletne strani za kratek trenutek (par minut) ne bodo dosegljive.

Pomembnejše zadeve med popravki so novejši backup program, nadgradnja večine komponent (php, bind, perl,...), spamassassin za odkrivanje spam e-pošte, mysql in še in še...

Celoten seznam sprememb-nadgradenj:
  • [+] DB Table Prefix - An option to create all databases with name prefixed by client login name.
  • [+] Miva Merchant support - MIVA Merchant is a storefront development and management system. It integrates catalog, product, fulfillment, maintenance, category management, shopping cart, order processing, and credit card processing in association with many of the MIVA payment providers, including Authorize.net, VeriSign.com, and several others.
  • [+] ColdFusion DSN support - Coldfusion DSN is a way to register databases created by Plesk in Coldfusion engine so that a Coldfusion application can access dbs using standard Coldfusion mecanism.
  • [+] CommuniGate Pro support - An option to use Communigate Pro software as Plesk mail server.
  • [+] SiteBuilder 4 support - Plesk distribution includes SiteBuilder 4 software and is fully compatible with it.
  • [+] Autoupdater mirror - Plesk can take updates from customer controlled mirror with choosen subset of updates available.
  • [+] DotNetNuke 4.5 support - DotNetNuke 4.5.is available among Site Applications (APS)
  • [+] Forced web statistics recalculation - statistics.exe tool includes an option recalculate web statistics for choosen domains and time period on demand.
  • [*] Unlimited default values for limit of maximum FTP and FrontPage subaccounts - Number of maximum available FTP and FrontPage subaccounts is unlimited now unless other values are specified explicitly.
  • [+] Component updates - Plesk 8.2 for Windows includes the following components updated:
  • * MySQL 5.0.37
  • * AWStats 6.6 (build 1.887)
  • * PHP 4.4.7
  • * PHP 5.2.3
  • * BIND DNS Server 9.4.1
  • * Perl v5.8.8 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
  • * Python
  • * phpMyAdmin 2.10.1
  • [+] Application Pack - There is a single pack of all available site applications which can be installed separately of Plesk.
  • [+] Combined site applications - AppVault, ASP.NET Starter Kits and Java Apps - Easier management of APS (Application Vault), ASP.NET Starter Kits and Java Apps - everything from one point.
  • [*] Improved Backups - a number of improvements in backup and restore processes:
  • * Backup and restore MS SQL databases located on remote DB servers;
  • * Ability to exclude file with specified extension from backup
  • * Ability to exclude specified folders from backup
  • * Backup and restore permissions of files and folders
  • * Backup includes SiteBulder sites
  • * Ability to specify credentials for connecting to network share in backup.exe tool
  • * Skipping unreadable files during backup
  • [*] Security fixes
  • [+] Turning domains and clients on andoff via Group Operations - Clients and Domains can be turned on and off from "Global changes" menu
  • [+] MyLittleAdmin support - MyLittleAdmin is a web-based database administration tool for SQL Server 2005. With its help end-users are able to manage their MS SQL databases just like they manage MySQL databases with help of phpMySQL
  • [*] ll-CC locales naming - Plesk 8.2 for Windows now uses ll-CC format for locales naming, e.g. en-US, de-DE, ...
  • [+] New site application format (APS) - The new site applications format is open and can be used by individual software developers, ISV and HSP for packaging their own applications. It makes Plesk a platform on SaaS market. Previous aplications format is supported as well.
  1. [+] API for backups - API includes new methods for managing backups and backup settings.
  2. [+] Protocol versions in client-level API - Being used under client-level account, API is able to inform which protocol versions are available.
  3. [+] "Component upgraded" event - API gets an event generated when Plesk or its componets are installed or upgraded.

[+] new feature
[-] bug fixed or removed
[*] bug fixed and improvement made

02.08.2007 [Število ogledov: 1]

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