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Nadgradnja Plesk nadzorne plošče (v8.2 -> v8.3)

Minili so trije meseci odkar je (po novem) Parallels izdal nadzorno ploščo Plesk v8.3 v kateri so izdelali kopico novosti in nadgradenj - če smo točnejši nekaj čez 59 posodobitev-novosti. Tri mesece smo čakali, da so odpravili in popravili vse napake (bug-e), ki se ponavadi pojavijo ob novi izdaji.

Ker želimo našim uporabnikom ponujati zadnje programske rešitve na gostovanjih bomo tudi mi nadgradili nadzorno ploščo na našem spletne strežniku sloHOST.

Posodobitev bomo predvidoma izvedli v petek, 27. 02. 2008 ob 18. uri. Takrat predvidevamo, da bo potreben ponoven zagon spletnega strežnika in bo izklop trajal le par minut.

Seznam vseh novosti (posodobitev) nadzorne plošče Plesk v8.3 (v angleškem jeziku):
  • Windows 2008 Server, IIS7 and MS FTP7 Support (Windows only) - Use Windows 2008 Server, IIS7 and MS FTP7 combined with Plesk for faster and more reliable hosting. Also, use Integrated Pipeline Support mode for IIS7 with Plesk.
  • Single Sign On (SSO) SAML - Enable SSO SAML support in Plesk and integrate Plesk with any other applications providing single sign-on ability for its users. (See Figure 4)
  • Application Packaging Standard (APS) Licensing & Upgrade - Upgrade and license applications installed via the Application Vault on a domain level directly via the Plesk interface. (See Figure 1)
  • Per Domain Bandwidth Configuration (Linux/Unix only) - Configure allowed connection bandwidth per domain by using mod_bw management tools in Plesk. There is a special permission that allows the Client (or Domain Owner) account to manage these settings.
  • PHP FastCGI Support (Windows only) - In addition to CGI and ISAPI modes, Plesk 8.3 for Windows now supports PHP FastCGI. (See Figure 2)
  • New Mail and Anti-Spam Software Support (Windows only) - Support now included for: SmarterMail Mail Lists, CommunigatePro Mail Lists, Merak Spam Filter, SmarterMail 4 Spam Filter
  • Kaspersky Antivirus (KAV) statistics (Linux/Unix only) - View detailed server stats, including number of e-mails scanned and filtered, collected by Kaspersky Antivirus in Plesk for Linux/Unix. (See Figure 3)
  • Anti-virus and Anti-spam statistics (Windows only) - Receive improved reporting of anti-virus and anti-spam statistics, including numbers of emails scanned and filtered. (See Figures 6 & 7)
  • Cold Fusion 8 Support (Windows only) - Use Plesk with the latest version of ColdFusion, an HTML-based application used to create dynamic web pages.
  • Webmail per Domain (Windows only) - Choose which webmail software to use on each specified domain. This provides more flexibility since different domains can use different web based clients even if they are on the same server.
  • SQL Express support (Windows only) - Use Plesk with SQL Express (light version of MS SQL Server 2005).
  • Firewall ports ranges for passive FTP - Open a port range for passive FTP via the Plesk Firewall module.
  • Improved Sitebuilder Integration (Linux/Unix only) - Integration of Sitebuilder with Plesk is improved rendering all Sitebuilder module data structures unnecessary.
  • API for Plesk for Windows migration tool (Windows only) - Use the Plesk API for managing the Plesk for Windows migration tool.
  • This feature was released in an earlier version for the Plesk for Linux/Unix migration tool.
  • Improved Acronis Management (Windows only) - Use "Acronis True Image Universal" with Plesk for Windows. This feature was released in an earlier version for Plesk for Linux/Unix.
  • MyLittleAdmin licensing (Windows only) - Install a license key for the web panel for MS SQL server datebase management, MyLittleAdmin, directly from Plesk. The license key is a Plesk Additional License key (purchased separately).
  • Single Sign On (SSO) branding - Keep custom domain names visible in the URL when using Plesk.
  • Single Sign On (SSO) backup and recovery - Restore all single sign on relationships within Plesk are restored when recovering accounts from a backup.
  • Single Sign On (SSO) windowid transfer - Keep using enabled SSO SAML if a client web application operates with multiple windows.
  • AWStats domain report improvement (Linux/Unix only) - Create detailed AWstats domain reports for each month.
  • Submission port support - Setup an additional port for incoming SMTP traffic that requires authorization for both incoming mail and for mail to local domains.
  • API for managing subdomains - Manage subdomains via API RPC.
  • API for managing protected URLs - Manage protected URLS and their users (including passwords) via API RPC.
  • API for retrieving mailbox usage - Retrieve mailbox usage stats via API RPC.
  • Copy Forwarded Messages - Keep copies of forwarded mail in the mail box (only if forwarding is enabled).
  • Components update (Windows only) - Updates to multiple 3rd party's components built-in, including:
  • SpamAssassin 3.2.3, MailEnable 1.983, Acronis True Image Universal Restore 9.1 build 3939, PHP 5.2.5, Dr.Web
  • DB event handler and API - Define custom events on each user database operating performed via Plesk. The Plesk API reports these events on request.
  • Redirect mail for nonexistent domain users (Windows only) - Configure Plesk to be a redundant mail server for some other host. The redundancy is provided via storing "foreign" mails in queue while the host is down.
  • DNS improvement for DomainKeys support (Windows only) - Use underscore characters in DNS records to integrate mail servers with existing DomainKeys tools. DomainKeys is an e-mail authentication system designed to verify the DNS domain of an e-mail sender and the message integrity.
  • Mail content migration (Windows only) - Include only mail content in backups for the purpose of migration to another server.
  • SmarterStats and Urchin Subdomain Statistics (Windows only) - Use SmarterStats and Urchin stat analyzers with subdomains.
  • ClamAV Integration Improvement (Windows only) - Get improved support and integration with Plesk for ClamAV anti-virus.
  • Faster SiteApp installation (Windows only) - Install SiteApps faster as Plesk will cache database servers instead of finding it online for each request.
  • Mailing list administrator management (Windows only) - Manage mailing list administrator email via the Plesk interface.
  • IIS ASP Debugging Flags management (Windows only) - Manage IIS debugging flags via the Plesk interface
  • ASP Buffers (Windows only) - Manage IIS parameters from Plesk interface to allow large data transfers in ASP web applications.
  • Mailing list export and import (Windows only) - Import and export mailing lists members easily via the Plesk interface.
  • Anonymous user password repair (Windows only) - Repair anonymous user passwords through a tool provided by Plesk.
  • Firewall management CLI tool (Windows only) - Manage firewall setting via the command line interface (firewall.exe utility).
  • Checking license key before upgrade (Windows only) - Receive a warning prior to software upgrade that license key upgrade is not available.
  • Custom webmail URL (Windows only) - Customize webmail URLs by changing default mail server settings (port, protocol, etc).
  • Admin PHP upgrade - Upgrade of Plesk Admin PHP to version 5.2.4 (latest release) or higher as there are security vulnerabilities in previous PHP versions.
  • Native IMAP quotas support (Linux/Unix only) - Receive quota management functionality for webmail software (Horde).
  • Log mass e-mail send errors (Windows only) - Check errors after sending mass e-mails via a saved log fle.
  • Restore ODBC DSNs (Windows only) - Restore ODBC connections from PSA database after server failure is added to odbcmng.exe tool.
  • Discard option for mail preferences (Windows only) - "Discard" option is available to choose when operating multiple mailboxes settings at once.
  • Site Applications Help Pages redesign (Windows only) - Use of Site Application help pages made easier by redesigned and more professional interface.
  • Change default pipe connection trying count (Windows only) - Reduce load on heavy systems with "PipeConnectTryCount" parameter added to registry for managing number of allowed pipe connecting attempts.
  • Improved pleskrestore.exe utility (Windows only) - Several new functions available for pleskrestore.exe tool, including: Map IP addresses on restore, Restore select clients only, Change names of clients/domains on restore, Custom DB Webadmin host URLs (Windows only) - Set custom URLs for accessing DB, webadmin.
  • Easy Acronis Upgrade (Windows only) - Upgrade your Acronis True Image software directly via the Plesk interface.
  • Repair permissions improvements (Windows only) - Apply "Repair permission" tool to specifc folders to allow for faster repairs than whole system repairs.
  • Acronis Universal Restore support (Windows only) - Upgrade Acronis distribution to the latest build on restore.
  • SRV records management (Linux/Unix only) - Manage SRV records with Plesk. An SRV record or Service record is a category of data in the Internet Domain Name System specifying information on available services. Newer internet protocols such as SIP and XMPP often require SRV support from clients. Client implementations of older protocols (e.g. LDAP, SMTP) may have SRV support added to it.
  • Autoinstaller 3.3 (Linux/Unix only) - New Autoinstaller includes the following features: Simultaneous installation of several products, Allow alternative components to be selected prior to installation, Grouping of optional components .NET 1.1 SP1 install (Windows only) - Install .NET 1.1 SP1 automatically with Plesk.
  • Rename mailname (Linux/Unix only) - Rename mailnames via the mail operating tool from Plesk Creation Utilities.
  • Underscores in DNS (Linux/Unix only) - Use underscores in all DNS record types (including TXT and SRV). Underscores are not recommended for use in DNS records(e.g. IE might process it incorrectly), but are not forbidden.
  • Custom Event Handler tool - Setup custom event handlers via Plesk Creation Utilities.

Predvidevamo, da bi nadgradnja morala potekai brez kakršnihkoli zapletov.

Zahvaljujemo se za razumevanje.


27.02.2008 [Število ogledov: 441]

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